
Many will be wondering why talk about death in a platform like this. What I have noticed is, people do not like to talk about death or not enough. However, I have found a reflection on death could help anyone to put things in perspective. Most especially now that we hear about the horrors of death everywhere.

Covid-19 has brought death to our doors and into our homes. What are we going to do about that. This is no time to fear, now is the time to plan to work on what matters. What matters in our life? What matter in our business? Or what matter in our career? Each of our lives must be filled with kindness, goodness and happiness. We must continue to give peace a chance.

Death must evoke our spirit with a renewed sense of service to one another. Know that anytime the end may come. What will be your legacy or your dynasty as Les Brown would say. Death must push you to live for something. Apple Steve Job is the one that says the knowledge of having cancer a terminal disease inspired him to do great things. Let us likewise use death as a powerful inspiration. The words of Myles Monroe. Let us die empty because we must have given our very best to the world to make it a better place.

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Being ungrateful.


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