How to play 5P training game

How to play 5P training game

Let the game begin!

Objective Of The Game

Unlock the leadership potential within you! Play the game alone or invite 2-6 players over to uncover purpose driven conversations. Use the word or phrase on the cards to ask yourself or other players - 'Why, How, What, Who, When will this allow me achieve my purpose?'. Whoever holds five different colored cards with lowest possible combined numbers can declared winner; The winner will then pronounce the phrase "I am Legend"! Rediscover inspiration & motivation while honing your mathematics skills through fun gameplay.

To get the most out of the game, it is important to set a given purpose at the beginning. This could include making changes related to being a better leader, losing weight, resolving depression and anxiety, achieving financial freedom, enjoying wellness, improving productivity, or resolving drug/alcohol abuse. As you play the game, use its content to guide your conversations and explore how these objectives can be achieved.

For every cards in the deck, turn the word or phrases in them into a question beginning with why, what, who, when or how. This helps to encourage conversation among players and explore how the objectives set at the beginning of gameplay can be achieved. The question should then be directed to the person next in line to play, giving them 15 seconds (or more if needed) to respond or pass.

The aim of the game is for the first player to hold five cards of five different colors and the lowest possible combined number on the card, which would be 5P. To do this, players must ensure they always pass on their turn, with the goal of eventually collecting a range of lower numbers. As soon as one player collects 5P or lower, they have won!

Set- Up

The dealer will begin by shuffling and dealing each player five cards and placing one card face-up on the table as the starting card. This card also begins a discard pile.

The dealer then places the remainder of the cards on the table face-down, forming a draw pile.

Let’s Play!

  1. Play begins in a clockwise pattern.

  2. On your turn, discard one card face-up onto the Discard pile and pick a card from the Draw pile.

  3. There is no need to match the card you put on the Discard pile color for color.

  4. Discard a card that would either not help you achieve all 5P of different colors or one with the higher number.

  5. Engage another player in a conversation using the word or phrase on that card by turning it into a question.

  6. Try to determine how this word or phrase can help you achieve your purpose.

  7. Ask this question to the person next in line to play, giving them 15 seconds (or more if needed) to respond or pass.

  8. If no player can achieve 5Ps by the time the Draw pile is emptied, simply re-shuffle the Discard pile and continue playing!

To Win The Game

In order to win the game, a player must have five cards of five different colors with the lowest possible combined number. Once this goal is achieved, they can declare "I am Legend" on their turn. Note that a player may only declare they have five points when it is their turn to play.

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